One Percent


Your new favorite goal tracker.

Stay Focused, Stay Inspired, Move Forward — 1% at a Time.

1% helps you set your future goals, break goals down into achievable milestones, record daily tasks, track progress, and stay inspired with customised motivational content. .

App Interface

Setting goals is hard. What's even harder is staying focused, and working towards those goals you set in the first place. When was the last time you managed to achieve your new years resolution, if you had one?

It's time to change that.

1% is your new favorite goal tracker, designed to be your daily companion, helping you understand what task to prioritise each day, to help you keep track of the weekly goals, the monthly goals, and your yearly goals.

Get started for free.

Tired of not making progress?

With one percent you can identify the goals you want to achieve, and set key objectives for each milestone with easy daily goal creation.

Without One Percent

  • Wake up, no direction
  • No plan of action
  • No motivation to make progress
  • Unaware of your future goals
  • Dreams not achieved

You + One Percent = 💪

  • Wake up and with an action plan
  • Clarity on what you're working towards
  • Able to track your progress
  • Getting closer to reaching your goals
  • Finding time to reflect on what makes you happy

Make 2025 Your Year.

It's time to make a change, start planning your future vision and begin working towards your goals today.